About Us

dsc02444-croppedThis is Daisy. She’s a ferret! Actually she’s our ferret. She’s a wonderful source of slinky, jumping, twisting, bouncy fun and she is our inspiration. We feel that there is nothing quite as bendy and twisty and unique as a ferret so we named our product after her. Just like the FlexiDaisy LED mount will go anywhere, there is no place Daisy isn’t able to get to in our office. So keep your eyes open for her because she’ll be popping up around the site in all kinds of interesting places.




Our founder, Derek Matteson, is a Mechanical Engineering Graduate from the University of Florida. He’s worked in Aerospace and Appliance Manufacturing. Currently Derek resides in Oklahoma, however for much of his teenage years he was lucky enough to be able to live in England and see some of Europe. Derek has spent the last two years working towards starting a business taking small business classes and participating in the entrepreneurial and hacker-space communities. Never happy unless there is a goal to strive for the target was set in early 2015 to design the mounting channel which would someday become the starting product for FlexiDaisy llc.

Our Story

FlexiDaisy LLC was formed in August 2016 but the process that have lead here started early in 2015.
Our founder set out to expand on the poorly built deck in his back yard.


The sun in the evening made the area so hot that it was unbearable to be outside until after dark and then it was difficult to see and make use of the area. With a good deal of design effort invested and a summers worth of work the deck transformed into a much more usable concrete patio with permanent sunshade.


Finishing this project meant that using the space was far more common and often meant staying out until dark. This meant adding some outdoor lighting. LED tape light was perfect for the job. 1-before2-after

The trouble came when after a few months the tape started to pull away from the wall. The problem was solved by creating the FlexiDaisy mounting channel. You can see how much better the aesthetic is with the new mounting in place of clips and staples.

And that brings us to today, patented product, registered LLC and attempting to share out product with the world one project at a time.

Thank you for your interest.